In a difficult time like this when we are forced to lockdown ourselves, many are finding it difficult to stay indoors, constantly begrudging the situation, engaging in self-blame, or blaming others. One very beautiful way of feeling good is to appreciate what we have or gained during this period. We could start with a gratitude list of what we have. By expressing gratitude we can increase our wellness, and lessen stress.

A well-thought-out gratitude list will open up our minds to appreciate all that we have in life and a sense of calmness and positivity will appear helping us to cherish our life. Appreciate the beautiful new day after a night's sleep.The sounds of birds chirping, the gentle morning breeze, the delicate flowers swaying. A new day that fills our hearts with hope. Let us not despair about what could have been but enjoy all that we have to enjoy around us, our family, our friends, nature a new day, and new hope.